Coast 2 Coast Financial: You Can Achieve Personal Freedom Through Financial Security!
You Can Protect Your Money and Prosper Financially. Giving You the Time and Freedom to Do What YOU Enjoy!
It doesn’t have to be difficult.
You just need to know the truth about the world’s financial situation. Things are not the same as in the past. You can’t do what your parents did in order to achieve a financially secure retirement.
When you watch or take financial advice from mainstream financial outlets, you’re being misinformed. They are not preparing you for this new financial world and are most likely leading you in the wrong direction.
Coast 2 Coast Financial (C2CF) is here to help Gen X & Millennials (25-45) who are not yet wealthy. Those of you who have less than $1M in retirement and savings. You may even have no money saved. But you are working hard, earning a good income, and know you need to prepare for retirement.
If you know you need to understand more about retirement planning. Don’t know who to trust. Have little desire in learning about finances on your own. And know the world is very different and you cannot do what your parents did for retirement planning.
Coast 2 Coast Financial was created for you!
We are in this together!
Please join me on this journey.
I’ve been working on Coast 2 Coast Financial for a really long time. I can honestly say since I was a kid growing up in a small farm town in Pennsylvania. Not that I knew back then things would come together in this manner. But I’ve always been trying to figure out how to change my life for the better and get ahead.
I set out on a path to learn.
I studied Accounting and Management Information Systems at Shippensburg University in PA. After college I worked six years as an auditor for Big 4 public accounting firms (KPMG and Deloitte) through the manager level. I obtained my Certified Public Accountant (CPA) license and my MBA from Mississippi State University.
I then moved to California and began working for a publicly traded company. As a hobby I studied writing with American Writers & Artists, Inc. (AWAI) Circle of Success (COS) membership and became a member of the Professional Writers Association (PWA).
Currently I’m a controller at a division of a Fortune 100 publicly traded company.
I’ve been very successful in my career but was struggling to figure out my personal financial situation. After making over six-figures for three years, I was in debt over $200,000. I knew something was not right. That’s when I discovered following mainstream financial advice was failing me.
I began looking elsewhere for guidance on how to be successful financially and obtain financial freedom. This is when I discovered independent financial publishers. A source of financial information that is unbiased and not tainted by the profit motives of Wall Street and Advertisers.
I started to see what I was “learning” through mainstream was not meant to help me get ahead. It was meant to keep them profiting and in power. For the next three years, I read everything I could get my hands on from these independent financial publishers.
In a little over three years, I not only got out of debt, I increased my net worth to over $500,000.
Immediately, I wanted to help others learn how to do this. I was able to change my financial situation drastically. And it gave me the freedom to spend more time doing what I enjoy. Along with the confidence in knowing I was positioned for maximizing long-term wealth building. Even though mainstream financial outlets may tell me otherwise. I want to help you do the same.
I want to give you the ability to become financially free. In the easiest and most simple manner. So you can spend your time doing what you enjoy. If we all spend more time doing what we enjoy and don’t have to worry about finances, the world will be a better place.
Please join me on this journey.
Let me use my skills as a CPA and interest in Finance to continue learning how to get ahead. And my skills as a member of the PWA to break it down simply and honestly for you to understand. You can protect yourself and prosper.
My book, Gen X & Millennials: Protect your Money and Prosper will give you the background and knowledge to know our starting point in this journey. And my FREE weekly newsletter CPA Gone Mad will keep you updated as we continue on this path to financial freedom.
Chad A. Walker, CPA, MBA